Carsten Wettich (Berner Fleck Wettich) deals with the 2014 Annual General Meeting season especially of listed companies and provides an outlook for the coming 2015 Annual General Meeting season. The article covers e.g. the independence of Supervisory Board members, scrip dividend, recent court decisions on shareholder rights, developments in practice and legislative measures at the national level and at EU level.
Carsten Wettich (Berner Fleck Wettich) deals with the juridical review of the discounted earnings methodology (Ertragswertmethode) and its meaning for the adequacy of cash compensations in case of domination and profit and loss transfer agreement.
Carsten Wettich (Berner Fleck Wettich) deals with recent developments and discussions about the national and European legal framework for medium-sized enterprises as well as with the challenges and opportunities ahead in his current article in “Unternehmeredition”.
Burkhard Fassbach (HENDRICKS & CO.) and Thilo Fleck (Berner Fleck Wettich) deal with the repentance of a settlement of the Supervisory Board in D&O-claims in their current article in “Der Aufsichtsrat”.