Carsten Wettich (Berner Fleck Wettich) deals with the juridical review of the discounted earnings methodology (Ertragswertmethode) and its meaning for the adequacy of cash compensations in case of domination and profit and loss transfer agreement.
Carsten Wettich (Berner Fleck Wettich) deals with the juridical review of the discounted earnings methodology (Ertragswertmethode) and its meaning for the adequacy of cash compensations in case of domination and profit and loss transfer agreement.
Posted in: Publications
Berner Fleck Wettich Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB, Cecilienallee 17, 40474 Düsseldorf Germany, T +49 211 20 06 78 00 - Imprint - Data Protection